Live A Healthier Life With Mediterranean Diet Plan

When you live a life with passion, based on purpose or mission, your immune system will be stronger. Laughter is the best medicine and everyone knows that. If you can't stomach solid food, drink a slim-fast/ensure or other liquid meal supplement.


As doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and providers in Pediatrics and Neonatal Medicine we advise parents on the best ways to foster health and well being for their children and their family. As professionals in the medical field we often fall short in taking our own advice, which in the end affects our own health and our lives. We give parents brochures and pamphlets to supplement the conversations we have. It's called anticipatory guidance. As adults have access to information from a myriad of sources including books and magazines, resources online, and our associations. If anything we probably have an abundance of information with a lack of taking the next steps towards using the information to live our best life. This is true for our health, our wealth, and our overall well being.

Gardening. Last but not least, spring gardening connects exercise, fun, productivity and healthy living all together -- especially if you work in a vegetable garden! Planting a garden requires simply a sunny spot in your backyard, a few seeds or seedlings and some good, old-fashioned gumption! You can find a myriad of internet sites that will help you begin a healthy, beautiful garden. You can also gain fun, helpful advice from your local nursery or home improvement store. Spring gardening allows you to exercise as you produce something beautiful and to grow healthy produce while having a great time!

Avoid using the word "diet" in your daily vocabulary. It is better to describe it as eating healthy or Healthy living advice living. If you use the word "diet", it can feel like being restricted from the food that you love.

WHO SAID 5 A DAY AND WHY DID THEY SAY IT?: Who said 5 a day? Yes they did! This advice stems from a report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) that recommends at least 400g of fruit and vegetables per day to reduce the risk of "non communicable diseases" ( Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers etc.). According to a W.H.O. report in 2002, low fruit and vegetable intake is estimated to cause 31% of Ischaemic heart disease and 11% of all strokes. It further estimates that 2.7 million lives could be saved each year if fruit and vegetable consumption were sufficiently increased.

For the most part, all soda contains carbonated water, caramel color, natural flavors, caffeine, phosphoric acid and high-fructose corn syrup. The Carbonated water is just water with carbon dioxide, which gives you the bubbles. Most soda has Useful healthy habits caffeine, a drug known to be addictive. And then there is the sugar, lots and lots of sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

These tips can be helpful in the weight loss process if you use them. Lifestyle changes need to be made for weight loss success. My advice will help you have a good understanding of the type of changes you need to make. Keep using these tips for proper weight management even after you've reached your goal weight.

The thing about the human body is that it needs to be used in order to survive well. Same goes for your brain! So, it's what we do when we retire that determines the quality of our life and the degree of good health that we can enjoy. What will you DO with yourself to ensure long, fulfilling and healthy retirement living? Here are some of the things that I'm doing: my Three Principles of Healthy Retirement Living.

Multi-vitamin and mineral supplement - I am not big into supplements. I have used whey protein and creatine in the past; and have had good success with them. But at 49, getting bigger is not a priority with me. I think a balance diet that is high in protein and complex carbs with lots of fruits and veggies will do the trick. That said, a good multi-vitamin probably would not hurt. A basic "one a day" should be sufficient.


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